
UofC | EPA | Lab Test | Study | Letter | Journal
Second Hand Cigarette Smoke

Second Hand Cigarette Smoke

The EPA announces nearly 100 Million People are breathing particulates daily.    Regarding Second Hand Smoke: Second Hand Smoke has been classified by the EPA as a "Group A" human carcinogen meaning there is... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | Allertech Lab | Lab Test | Study | Letter | Air Purification | Face Mask
Allertech Laboratory, INC. Gives Opinion on Operational Characteristics of Air Supply® Ionic Technology Products

Allertech Laboratory, INC. Gives Opinion on Operational Characteristics of Air Supply® Ionic Technology Products

Allertech Laboratory, INC. I have been asked to render my opinion on studies examining the operational characteristics of Air Supply ionic technology products, including the AS180i Minimate* personal wearable device and the Vortex VI-3500* room... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | Automate | Letter
Dr. Gabor Lantos Supports Ionic Technology For Avoiding Airborne Allergens and Asthma

Dr. Gabor Lantos Supports Ionic Technology For Avoiding Airborne Allergens and Asthma

Dear Colleague:   I wish to bring to your attention an effective and inexpensive physical modality to reduce the risks from airborne respiratory pathogens and allergens. A year ago I was asked by Jorley Distributing Inc.,... read more >

Vortex | OHMS | Study | Letter | Face Mask
Dr. Gabor Lantos Introductory Letter for Ionic Technology Reducing Risks of Airborne Respiratory Pathogens and Viruses

Dr. Gabor Lantos Introductory Letter for Ionic Technology Reducing Risks of Airborne Respiratory Pathogens and Viruses

Dr. Gabor Lantos MD.P.ENG.MBA Head of Occupational Health Management Services Inc. Toronto, Barries, London, Vancouver   Dear Mr. Weinberg: You have asked me for my professional opinion regarding the potential use of the... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | Sanimate | Automate | UofC | Letter | Face Mask
University of Cincinnati Medical Center Report On the Performance of Surgical Masks Operating with the Wein Air Purifiers

University of Cincinnati Medical Center Report On the Performance of Surgical Masks Operating with the Wein Air Purifiers

Environmental Health Foundation Department of Environmental Health University of Cincinnati   Dear Mr. Weinberg This memo is to summarize the results of the Phase 1 tests that have recently been performed with surgical masks sealed to... read more >

Vortex | Lab Test | Letter | Face Mask
Alexander Zakhartchouk and Marat Khodoun Give Their Opinion On How to Reduce the Spread of SARS

Alexander Zakhartchouk and Marat Khodoun Give Their Opinion On How to Reduce the Spread of SARS

Dear Mr. Weinberg: This letter is written in response to your request and expresses our professional opinion regarding physical and biological properties of the coronavirus, its infectious pathways, and possible methods to decrease the risk of... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | Automate | CDC | UofC | DofEH | Lab Test | Study | Letter | Face Mask
Sergey A. Grinshpun Letter Affirming Effectiveness of Ion Generating Equipment on SARS, Anthrax and Smallpox

Sergey A. Grinshpun Letter Affirming Effectiveness of Ion Generating Equipment on SARS, Anthrax and Smallpox

University of Cincinnati Medical Center Department of Environmental Health University of Cincinnati   Mr. Stanley Weinberg Wein Products Inc. Dear Mr. Weinberg, You have requested a letter expressing my opinion as to whether the findings on... read more >

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