Minimate | CDC | UofC | CHRAS | EPA | Lab Test | Air Purification
Ozone & Air Supply History

Ozone & Air Supply History

How our air purifiers help destroy viruses, including COVID-19 In 1996 Wein Products invented the Minimate Air Supply AS150MM and filed 4 US patents. Since then, Air Supply wearable Minimates have been there... read more >

UofC | EPA | Lab Test | Study | Letter | Journal
Second Hand Cigarette Smoke

Second Hand Cigarette Smoke

The EPA announces nearly 100 Million People are breathing particulates daily.    Regarding Second Hand Smoke: Second Hand Smoke has been classified by the EPA as a "Group A" human carcinogen meaning there is... read more >

CDC | UofC | DofEH | EPA | Journal | Face Mask
Respiratory Protection Provided by N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators Against Airborne Dust and Microorganisms in Agricultural Farms

Respiratory Protection Provided by N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators Against Airborne Dust and Microorganisms in Agricultural Farms

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2: 577–585 ISSN: 1545-9624 print / 1545-9632 online Shu-An Lee, Atin Adhikari, Sergey A. Grinshpun, Roy McKay, Rakesh Shukla, Haoyue Li Zeigler, and Tiina Reponen University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental Health,... read more >

UofC | DofEH | EPA | Lab Test
Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Biological Agents

Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Biological Agents

Presented by: City of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center   Sergey A. Grinshpun and Tiina Reponen  Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, U... read more >

Minimate | EPA | Study
Treatment of Allergic Fungal SinusItis by Decreasing the Environmental Air Fungal Load

Treatment of Allergic Fungal SinusItis by Decreasing the Environmental Air Fungal Load

By Donald P. Dennis, M.D., F.A.C.S.   Treatment Strategy In September 1999 Mayo Clinic published an article that pegs 93% of all chronic sinusitis as being caused by mold. The mechanism of formation... read more >

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