Minimate | CDC | UofC | CHRAS | EPA | Lab Test | Air Purification
Ozone & Air Supply History

Ozone & Air Supply History

How our air purifiers help destroy viruses, including COVID-19 In 1996 Wein Products invented the Minimate Air Supply AS150MM and filed 4 US patents. Since then, Air Supply wearable Minimates have been there... read more >

UofC | CHRAS | DofEH | Aerosol Science | Lab Test | Study | Air Purification | Face Mask
Manikin-Based Performance Evaluation of N95 Filtering-Facepiece Respirators Challenged with Nanoparticles

Manikin-Based Performance Evaluation of N95 Filtering-Facepiece Respirators Challenged with Nanoparticles

ANNA BAƁAZY1,2, MIKA TOIVOLA1, TIINA REPONEN1, ALBERT PODGÓRSKI2, ANTHONY ZIMMER3 and SERGEY A. GRINSHPUN1 1Department of Environmental Health, Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056, USA; 2Department of Chemical... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | Sanimate | Automate | CHRAS | Aerosol Science | Lab Test | Journal | Air Purification
Evaluation of ionic air purifiers for reducing aerosol exposure in confined indoor spaces

Evaluation of ionic air purifiers for reducing aerosol exposure in confined indoor spaces

Indoor Air 2005 S. A. Grinshpun, G. Mainelis, M. Trunov, A. Adhikari, T. Reponen, K. Willeke Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies, Department of Environmental Health; University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Present address Department of... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | UofC | CHRAS | DofEH | Aerosol Science | Study | Face Mask
Filtering Efficiency of N95- and R95-Type Facepiece Respirators, Dust-Mist Facepiece Respirators, and Surgical Masks Operating in Unipolarly Ionized Indoor Air Environments

Filtering Efficiency of N95- and R95-Type Facepiece Respirators, Dust-Mist Facepiece Respirators, and Surgical Masks Operating in Unipolarly Ionized Indoor Air Environments

Byung Uk Lee, Mikhail Yermakov, Sergey A. Grinshpun Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati 3223 Eden Avenue, PO Box 670056, Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0056, US.A Present address: Environment & Process Technology... read more >

CDC | UofC | CHRAS | Aerosol Science | Lab Test | Air Purification
CDC Workshop on Respiratory Protection for Airborne Infectious Agents

CDC Workshop on Respiratory Protection for Airborne Infectious Agents

Agenda and Abstracts Respirator Performance with Infectious Agents   SA Grinshpun Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.   Respirators are widely used to reduce the human exposure to aerosol particles, including airborne... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | UofC | CHRAS | Aerosol Science | Lab Test | Air Purification
Indoor Air Purification by Ionic Emission

Indoor Air Purification by Ionic Emission

Air Pollution XII   Editor C.A.Brebbia Wessex Institute of Technology, UK S. A. Grinshpun, A. Adhikari, B. U. Lee, M. Trunov, G. Mainelis, M. Yermakov & T. Reponen Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies,... read more >

Vortex | Minimate | CHRAS | Lab Test | Study | Air Purification
Evaluation of the Ionic Purification Efficiency by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI)

Evaluation of the Ionic Purification Efficiency by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI)

Byung Uk Lee, Mikhail Yermakov, Sergey A. Grinshpun Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies, Dept. of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA   Introduction and Objective The ion emission has been shown to reduce the... read more >

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