Products Disclaimer

These ionic devices are not medical products! Do not reduce or eliminate any approved therapy or drugs prescribed by a physician. These do not treat or cure any disease of the body, but they do reduce the inhalation risk of airborne viruses or bacteria similar to the action of a mask. Neither the Wein® Air Supply™ nor any surgical mask or respirator mask can offer 100% protection against viral or bacterial infections including sars corona virus. 

Infectious agents can enter the body by other routes including touch, contact, hand/oral food ingestion, etc. Public health authorities recommend frequent and thorough hand washing. Particularly after any contact with suspected sars carriers or patients or any objects including your own mask that may be contaminated with sars coronavirus. Added protection against sars coronavirus or other infectious airborne agents.

Significant reductions in concentrations of test particles have been confirmed by a leading aerosol testing laboratory under indoor laboratory conditions. These concentration reductions are representative of the particle sizes of many of these airborne virulent agents and behave in the air exactly the same way under the same conditions according to the aerosol sci­entists. 

A leading aerosol scientist who peer reviewed this studies had this to say about virulent airborne particles (paraphrased). 

Whether a particle is biologically virulent in humans is of no relevance while it is airborne it becomes important only after it has deposited on human tissue or in the lungs.

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