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The Air Purifier is perfect for your home!



  • Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300R Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300R Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    Rechargeable battery with 28 hours of run time! Mini, wearable and ultra light weight, this personal air purifier is a must-have to breathe fresher air wherever you travel. Use it for air travel, movie theaters, waiting rooms or any confined areas. Cleans most germs and pollutants in the air.

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  • Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300RB Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300RB Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    All state of the art and fully tested specifications remain the same as our superb Air Supply AS-300R white unit. All validation studies by world experts in respiratory protection fully apply. Our Air Supply personal air purifiers remain the worldwide industry standard for safety and effectiveness.

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  • Vortex VI-3500 Room Ionic Air Purifier

    Vortex VI-3500 Room Ionic Air Purifier

    Maintenance Free! No Filters to change. Set it and forget it. Cleaner healthier air is never in short supply with the advanced VI-3500 high powered desktop personal ionizer. Generates trillions of air cleansing ions per second to eliminate the most pollutants in the shortest time. Helps rid rooms of pollen, dust, smoke, odors, mold spores, viruses and germs.

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  • Viramask Antibacterial Face Mask

    Viramask Antibacterial Face Mask

    Premium cloth face masks are comfortable and breathable, featuring a 3-ply antibacterial protection. Made with water droplet resistant fabric, enclosed in sterilized packaging, and are easily washable over 60 times. These masks when also worn with Wein Air Purifiers, enhance protection.

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  • Wein KN-95 Protective Mask 5 Pack

    Wein KN-95 Protective Mask 5 Pack

    Soft and comfortable for prolonged wearing. Featuring 5-layers of fabric and over 95% filter efficiency with no dyes. One size fits all for most adults with an adjustable metal nose bridge and soft ear loops. These masks when also worn with Wein Air Purifiers, enhance protection.

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  • Minimate™ AS180i Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    Minimate™ AS180i Wearable Ionic Air Purifier

    Wearable, personal, mini, battery operated and ultra light weight, this unit is a must-have to breathe fresher air whenever you travel. Use it for airplanes, movie theaters, waiting rooms or any confined areas. Cleans most germs and pollutants in the air. Now with 30% more purified air flow.

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  • Automate™ AS1250B Vehicle Ionic Air Purifier

    Automate™ AS1250B Vehicle Ionic Air Purifier

    Take charge of your personal breathing zone in your vehicle with the Automate™ 12 volt cigarette lighter plug-in. Helps remove road pollutants from interior air in vehicle including exhaust fumes, road dust, bacteria, mold spores, allergens, cigarette smoke and more. Simply plug it in for cleaner, healthier air.

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  • Sanimate™ AS250B Washroom Ionic Air Purifier

    Sanimate™ AS250B Washroom Ionic Air Purifier

    This direct AC wall plug in unit uses the same patented and proven ionic air purification system as the Minimates™ and Automates™ to reduce odors, perfumes, dust, mold spores, smoke, allergens and germs in your washroom or pantry. Reduce airborne pollutants by up to 90%.

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  • NEW! The Wein Rapid Fire FINGER WF-500

    NEW! The Wein Rapid Fire FINGER WF-500

    The FINGER is a USB powered AI designed, universal, general purpose miniature rapid fire activator for most smartphones, tablets and computer touch screens.

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  • Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300R Wearable Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • Air Supply® Rechargeable AS-300RB Wearable Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • Vortex VI-3500 Room Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • Viramask Antibacterial Face Mask Thumbnail
  • Wein KN-95 Protective Mask 5 Pack Thumbnail
  • Minimate™ AS180i Wearable Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • Automate™ AS1250B Vehicle Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • Sanimate™ AS250B Washroom Ionic Air Purifier Thumbnail
  • NEW! The Wein Rapid Fire FINGER WF-500 Thumbnail
  • customer review/anecdote:

    Not only are your products excellent, but apparently you're also willing to stand behind them and make sure they deliver what was promised. I thank you for restoring my faith and the possibility that someone still cares about their work.

    — Kevin M.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I was given one of your Minimates, to try out, and wow, what a relief to be able to enter doctors offices and stores, all without an asthma attack!

    — Ruth L.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I used Claritin, eye drops, nose spray, and a half box of Kleenex a day. Now using your product, WOW! – it gave me back my life. I have not taken any Claritin or nose spray and only use eye drops once or twice a day.

    — Jan P.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    Excellent product. I have used for 3 years. Enables me to fly without getting a cold from recycled air, and enjoy concerts and plays, even when sitting near someone doused in perfume.

    — Barbara M.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I used to wake up with a clogged throat, nasal drips, and coughed up heavy phlegm every morning. Now I place the Vortex close to my head, and wake up with a clear throat and no phlegm.

    — Apolonia G.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    Allows me to go into carpeted areas with mold due to no air conditioning in my work environment. Also I'm able to tolerate perfumes with my asthma.

    — Debra W.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    What great customer service! It is the best investment I've made in a long time. I tell everyone I talk to about my air cleaner. It is absolutely the best thing I've done for myself and my family.

    — Lillian B.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I am so please to be able to leave my house – a new freedom – without suffering from the effects of thoughtless smokers, pollens, chemicals, etc. in public places.

    — Marge W.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    Having been diagnosed with asthma, emphysema and COPD air travel has, in the past, been very difficult for me...my first Air Supply unit was one of the best decisions I ever made and certainly the most beneficial to my health. Frankly speaking, at a thousand dollars it would have been a bargain because since I began traveling with the Air Supply I have yet to experience any type of problem after flying.

    — George H.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I can breathe and my headaches and fatigue are gone. I'm alert and happy. I feel good.

    — Joyce J.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    My wife and I own a condo in La Quinta and the various pollens and blowing sand have made it most unpleasant for me. Since using your product all of my symptoms have improved greatly.

    — Dan M.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I have used my tiny purifier LITERALLY every day for years and years. 17 countries, 41 states and on the U.S.S.S. Bush, as a NTO. I have not been sick for years and years.

    — David

  • customer review/anecdote:

    I plugged it in as soon as it arrived and now my house smells clean again. Deodorizers only mask odors, and sprays can be overpowering and ineffective. Thank you so much for a great product and great customer service.

    — Lillian B.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    When my chest hurts, I put it on and in a short while my chest no longer hurts. I also work in a sick building and I feel this helps.

    — Natalie W.

  • customer review/anecdote:

    Perfumes, dyes, chemicals, other odors, and cigarette smoke don't bother me as badly now.

    — Susie B.












    Mold Spores

  • LAB






  • Low




  • Low

    Energy Use







See All Reviews

LOWER THE RISK OF COVID-19 by lowering the concentration of the Virus!

Most Scientists agree that this WORKS!  Works against all airborne viruses and bacteria including RSV and Influenza.

Presently that is what masking is supposed to do but doesn't because cloth mask are not very effective at preventing virus inhalation as incoming Covid airborne viral particles are so small they easily penetrate the cloth mask weave!  Also even N95 masks unless properly fitted may only be less than 50% effective!  VACCINES MAY BE LESS THAN 65% effective according to new Israeli studies and VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTIONS ARE NOW VERY COMMON!


WHAT IF YOU CAN REDUCE AIRBORNE COVID-19 BEFORE INHALATION?  Wein Ionic Products have been Scientifically validated to do just that in multiple studies that have been peer reviewed and published in Scientific Journals by world experts in respiratory protection!  SUBMICRON VIRAL SIZED AIRBORNE PARTICLES CAN BE CONTROLLED OUTSIDE THE BODY BY GRAVITATION, ELECTROSTATICS, DIFFUSION VENTILATION PLASMA IONIC WIND TO SUBTATIALLY LOWER VIRAL CONCENTRATIONS BEFORE INHALATION!  See website! 

While still airbone these viral particles can be controlled by these forces without regard to their  virulenece VARIENTS toxicity allergenic properties because they have not landed on or in a human.  Also new generations of virus or bacteria cannot mount defenses or mutations in succeeding generations since they have not entered the human body!

Years of scientific research has shown that Wein ionic devices  can offer additional and complementary enhancements to aid in the fight against airborne pathogen challenges!  INDEED OUR WEARABLES IONICALLY CHARGE ANY CONVENTIONAL MASK ENHANCING THEIR PROTECTION FACTORS.  See  U/C validation studies.

According to the latest statement by the CDC, new variants of the Covid 19 may be more virulent and contagious than the Delta variant.


We innovate quality air purification products that have been scientifically tested for effectiveness, and help clean the air you breathe.

Wein Products is an independent company that has been creating innovative products that help purify the air you breathe since 1964. Invented here, Stan Weinberg created the first wearable ionic air purifier. 

Our latest air purification system features ionic air purifiers that are filterless, virtually ozoneless and excel at cleaning the air of particles that comparable air filters may miss, such as smoke, fumes, bacteria, viruses and odors wherever you travel. These products include the Vortex Ionic Air Purifier for your home, Sanimate Ionic Air Purifier for your bathroom, Automate Ionic Air Purifier for your car and our newest wearable, personal Air Supply® Rechargeable

We test and validate new technologies and work with eminent independent scientists from leading universities and research institutes to make products that are safe, effective and affordable. We are continuing advanced research into environmental pollution control systems for air, water and food safety.

*All manufactoring is now done by selected premium subcontractors with intensive quality control and inspected before world wide distirubution.  
*Wein Products Innovates and develops advanced proprietary environmental products from emerging technologies.
Wein Products Inc presents: The Wein “FINGER”

Wein Products Inc presents: The Wein “FINGER”

  Wein Products INC proudly presents our latest innovation! The Wein “FINGER”! What is the “FINGER?” The “FINGER” is an AI designed universal general purpose barometric adhesion, miniature electronic FINGER... read more >

Minimate | Report | Announcement | Air Purification | Comparison | Review
WEIN Air Supply AS-300R Best Portable Air Purifier for Common Sense Spending

WEIN Air Supply AS-300R Best Portable Air Purifier for Common Sense Spending

Aman Bansil reviews the AS-300R Portable Air Supply in depth.  Thanks Aman! ... read more >

Vortex | Report | Announcement | Air Purification | Review
WEIN Vortex VI-3500 Best Air Purifier for Common Sense Spending

WEIN Vortex VI-3500 Best Air Purifier for Common Sense Spending

Aman Bansil reviews the Vortex VI-3500 in detail and gives great tips on care and ownership.     Thanks Aman! ... read more >

*Does not remove 100% of listed particle from air.

Does not meet CARB requirements; cannot be shipped to California.**
**Although all our products are 100% tested to comply with California Ozone CARB requirements the costs involved for formal certification are too extreme and WEIN has opted to keep our pricing to the consumer as low as possible.

Wein Products innovates and develops advanced proprietary environmental products from emerging technologies. All manufacturing is now done by selected premium subcontractors with intensive quality control and inspected before worldwide distribution.

**Helps combat airborne germs, bacteria, and viruses by lessening the concentration of such inhaled toxic pollutants, allergens, and contaminants. Lessening the particle concentration reduces the probability of inhaling an infectious dose thereby lowering the probability of becoming infected. We treat the air not the wearer and these products are not medical products. Do not discontinue any medical therapy. We do not claim to treat, cure, lessen the progression or severity, or prevent any disease.

Wein Products innovates and develops advanced proprietary environmental products from emerging technologies. All manufacturing is now done by selected premium subcontractors with intensive quality control and inspected before worldwide distribution.

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